Tom Bass Memorial Address
28th May, 2012
The second Tom Bass Memorial Address will be presented on
Saturday, June 16th 2012, at 7 pm –
by Glenda Cloughley
Venue: ATYP (Australian Theatre for Young People)
– Pier 4/5 Hickson Rd, Walsh Bay, NSW 2000.
The Topic will be
Public Sculpture:
its role in engendering creativity in the community
The role of public sculpture as both reflective ( of the community ) and prophetic (giving form to the visions of the community ) will be explored. Tom Bass’ sculpture of ETHOS in Canberra will be the focus. Glenda will speak of the artist as a seer and generator of totems that reflect the emotional truth and possibility of the people in a place and time.
Now in her 50th Birthday year it is an opportunty to reflect on the role ETHOS has played in the community and also give voice to the creative out pouring she has inspired through the song stories and music by Glenda Cloughley and Johanna McBride and the Chorus of Women
The Address will be followed by a performance of the
Gifts of the Furies
lead by Johanna McBride
The youthful voices of the Sydney University Theatre Ensemble MUSE will be added to the chorus.. Sydney Choralist are invited to participate.
Tickets to support the Artists
in the development of their work $30/$20
for information and to book tickets contact
2011 Tom Bass Memorial Address
Given by Deborah Beck at the National Art School in the historic Cell Block Theatre on June 7. The lecture was video recorded and can now be heard via the Resources menu link