Tom Bass

News from the Archive

Who is Tom Bass – film

25th September, 2018

We are delighted to make available a film made about Tom Bass as part of the 2016 Centenary Celebrations

This beautiful film was made to celebrate some of the Public Sculptures made by Tom Bass

WHO IS TOM BASS ? from Tex Whitney Productions on Vimeo

Featured are

  1. The P&O Fountain
  2. The AMP Sculpture
  3. Ethos Civic Square Canberra
  4. The National Library Lintel Sculpture
  5. The Herald Sculpture



We acknowledge Tex Whitney Productions for their dedication in making this film and the many friends and independent commentators for their contributions.

We acknowledge the support from

  • The National Film and Sound Archives for Sculptured Seal and Australian Biography 
  • The Australian Broadcasting Corporation BC Library Sales for Four Corners 1964 footage  
  • Movietone-Cinesound for “Fountains in Sydney” 1964 Newsreel  
  • National Library of Australia for Hazel de Berg Audio Recordings – Interview with Tom Bass courtesy of the
  • State Library of NSW for Max Dupain photos 
  • Peter Miller photos courtesy of Peter Miller Photography


To see the film in a new tab:  Who is Tom Bass

To access NFSA Films about Tom Bass

Australian Biography: Tom Bass     

Sculptured Seal – Tom Bass