Who is Tom Bass – film
25th September, 2018
We are delighted to make available a film made about Tom Bass as part of the 2016 Centenary Celebrations
This beautiful film was made to celebrate some of the Public Sculptures made by Tom Bass
Featured are
- The P&O Fountain
- The AMP Sculpture
- Ethos Civic Square Canberra
- The National Library Lintel Sculpture
- The Herald Sculpture
We acknowledge Tex Whitney Productions for their dedication in making this film and the many friends and independent commentators for their contributions.
We acknowledge the support from
- The National Film and Sound Archives for Sculptured Seal and Australian Biography
- The Australian Broadcasting Corporation BC Library Sales for Four Corners 1964 footage
- Movietone-Cinesound for “Fountains in Sydney” 1964 Newsreel
- National Library of Australia for Hazel de Berg Audio Recordings – Interview with Tom Bass courtesy of the
- State Library of NSW for Max Dupain photos
- Peter Miller photos courtesy of Peter Miller Photography
To see the film in a new tab: Who is Tom Bass
To access NFSA Films about Tom Bass